
Who am I?

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Design Lead born in Lima, Perú and currently living in Barcelona. I am interested in exploring futures literacy with a systemic and ecofeminist lens. I specialize in designing closely with users and communities while incorporating principles of design justice. I’ve worked in design challenges related to sexual harassment, positive masculinities, salary inequality, digital behaviors in Latin America and futures literacy in children and migrants. Overall I am interested in designing for care as opposed to a reactionary approach to design. My design process wishes to address the root causes of any design challenge and acknowledges that climate justice cannot occur without gender equality. I am also interested in blending feminism with illustration, having self-published and distributed fanzines through local online communities in Latin America.
“To dismantle structural inequality and advance collective liberation and ecological survival.” Sasha Constanza-Chock, Design Justice
“Feminist objectivity means quite simply situated knowledges.” Donna J. Haraway
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